Thursday, October 30, 2008
How Much Is A Typical Brazilian Wax?
The legislative process at the balance right (BilMoG) delayed. Partly because of the current financial crisis, the next hearing experts in the legal committee for the first 17/12/2008 was set so that the adoption BilMoG probably only occur in the first quarter of 2009 . With a recommendation of the Legal Committee and the 2nd BilMoG and 3 Reading in the Bundestag is expected by experts not until February or March 2009. The current developments speak so clearly for the adoption of the BilMoG only in 2009.
A shift in the application of BilMoG to one year supported by experts circles in recent opinions. In particular, the IDW has proposed in his letter dated 26.09.2008 to the Legal Committee to enter into force of most (not all) BilMoGVorschriften until 2010.
In practice, this development has the disadvantage that any desired new accounting rules can be applied until a year later than expected.
The benefits of the shift however, lie in the actual design of the TA by the legislature and a reasonable lead time for implementation of the BilMoG accounting of the companies.
banks and lobby groups have spoken out against the background of the time needed for creating the conditions for implementing the new accounting rules also apply to a shift in the BilMoG application.
NEW: 17.12.2008: Expert Consultation on Legal Affairs
NEW: Adopt first Quarter of 2009 (so far: the fall of 2008)
NEW: before: In force. 1.1.2010 (date: 1.1.2009).
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Sony Stand For Kdl-40s2010
The magazine "GmbH-Rundschau" of the Otto-Schmidt-Verlag GmbH provides patterns and information on the reform of 2008. Here are links directly to the corresponding pages:
creation of a classic one-man GmbH with individual, short statute
formation of a classical multi-person limited liability company with individual, long statute
establishing a sole proprietors GmbH Model Protocol
establishment of a multi-person with standard record-GmbH
establishing a one-person business company (limited liability) with a short, individual statutes
establishment of a multi-person business company (limited liability) with individual, long statute
establishing a one-person business company (limited liability) with standard record
founding Separate a multi-person business company (limited liability) with standard record
teaching a GmbH managing director
sale and transfer of GmbH shares
Application of the branch of a foreign company