Thursday, October 30, 2008
How Much Is A Typical Brazilian Wax?
The legislative process at the balance right (BilMoG) delayed. Partly because of the current financial crisis, the next hearing experts in the legal committee for the first 17/12/2008 was set so that the adoption BilMoG probably only occur in the first quarter of 2009 . With a recommendation of the Legal Committee and the 2nd BilMoG and 3 Reading in the Bundestag is expected by experts not until February or March 2009. The current developments speak so clearly for the adoption of the BilMoG only in 2009.
A shift in the application of BilMoG to one year supported by experts circles in recent opinions. In particular, the IDW has proposed in his letter dated 26.09.2008 to the Legal Committee to enter into force of most (not all) BilMoGVorschriften until 2010.
In practice, this development has the disadvantage that any desired new accounting rules can be applied until a year later than expected.
The benefits of the shift however, lie in the actual design of the TA by the legislature and a reasonable lead time for implementation of the BilMoG accounting of the companies.
banks and lobby groups have spoken out against the background of the time needed for creating the conditions for implementing the new accounting rules also apply to a shift in the BilMoG application.
NEW: 17.12.2008: Expert Consultation on Legal Affairs
NEW: Adopt first Quarter of 2009 (so far: the fall of 2008)
NEW: before: In force. 1.1.2010 (date: 1.1.2009).
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Sony Stand For Kdl-40s2010
The magazine "GmbH-Rundschau" of the Otto-Schmidt-Verlag GmbH provides patterns and information on the reform of 2008. Here are links directly to the corresponding pages:
creation of a classic one-man GmbH with individual, short statute
formation of a classical multi-person limited liability company with individual, long statute
establishing a sole proprietors GmbH Model Protocol
establishment of a multi-person with standard record-GmbH
establishing a one-person business company (limited liability) with a short, individual statutes
establishment of a multi-person business company (limited liability) with individual, long statute
establishing a one-person business company (limited liability) with standard record
founding Separate a multi-person business company (limited liability) with standard record
teaching a GmbH managing director
sale and transfer of GmbH shares
Application of the branch of a foreign company
Monday, July 28, 2008
Gaming Power Supply 2010
When Editing a script about training being to me is the task of information on collective training allowances to check and update. So hastily in search of information. Only after some research I discovered the optimum point, on the pages of the Federal Institute for Vocational Training ( This maintains a constantly updated database of
For more than 30 Years, observed and analyzed the Federal Institute for Vocational Education, the development of agreed training allowances. For this purpose, a "database training allowances," which is allowing the average pay for most quantitatively important trades every year to find up to date. Included in the database are currently 185 trades in the old and 151 occupations in the new countries.
is the relevant base:
Here are direct links to the tables for 2007:
Overview 2007, by the professions
average monthly training allowances in 2007 in the individual training years and the average over the entire training period.
- as a pdf file value unpaid taxes depends on experience and offer the taxpayer the opportunity to post the goods withdrawals to monthly flat rate. They release him so that the recording of a large number of extractions. Here is a download option:
benchmark collection for the calendar year 2007 (PDF - 18 pages - 687 KB)
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Pittsburgh Brazilian Wax Male
Berlin, 14 July 2008
the graduation year 2007/08 there were 2394 out of 4006 participants, the state tax consultant examination.
- That is nearly 60 percent success rate.
- This ratio, the proportion of successful candidates well ahead of the average of the last five test grades. This was the period 2002/03 - 2006/07 48.8 percent. The proportion of exam participants with a university degree was in the audit of 2007/08 with 2861 at 71.4 percent.
- The Federal Chamber of Tax Consultants (BStBK) as the legal umbrella organization representing the whole of Germany's more than 81,000 accountants, tax agents and tax firms. In addition to representing the profession on national and international level affects the BStBK with the advice of tax laws and in the design of professional law. It promotes also the professional training of Accountants and the training of young players. Source: Press release Bundessteuerberaterkammer
Willing To Use Adult Diapers
Regulation on Social Accounting category, 2008, BGBl I 2007, 2797
see / Human Resources and Labor
income threshold (health and care insurance)
West: 43,200 € / year
East: 43.200 € / year
West: € 48,150 / year
East: € 48,150 / year
- income threshold (pensions and unemployment insurance):
- West: € 63,600 / year
East: 54.000 € / year
- income limit (Miners):
- West: € 78,600 / year
East: € 66,600 / year
- reference:
- West: € 29,820 / year
East: 25,200 € / year
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Conan Wax Museum Visit
are on taxation and legal nature of the pupils, students, apprentices and faculty-to-date figures from the industry interested. The following figures are reported by the Federal Bar Association (pursuant to publication in April 2008):
summary, here are the two dates 2006 / 2 and 2007 / 1
Authorized Users: 1464
- There are 7 grade levels that can be expressed in words
- very good: 0%
- well: 2 , 23% (29 participants) fully satisfactory: 13.63%
Note: the failure rate is the first legal state examination much higher (about a third) of the remaining are the most the second state examination.
second Approved attorneys nationwide:
2008: 146 910 lawyers
By comparison
2000: 104 067 lawyers
1990 (my first year as a lawyer): 56 638 lawyers
1980 (the beginning of my studies): 36 077 lawyers
third Statistics Professions
statistics on lawyers, accountants and auditors are hard to find, as I know from personal experience. Surprisingly, this provides the comprehensive figures BRAK:
Lawyers: 146 910 Accountants: 70 927 State Security Companies 7563
auditors: 13 206
WP companies: 2,444
Monday, July 14, 2008
Social Party Catchy Phrase
Today I was asked by students, may recommend that I newsletter to be informed of the key changes in law or taxation.
The answer was relatively simple, based on their own research and experiences:
1) The Newsletter of Otto Schmidt Verlag (excellent and almost obligatory)
tax law
Business Law
2) The Newsletter from Haufe Verlag
- 3) The newsletter of (excellent for Tax Services)
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Do High Schools Make You Shower
In fact, the Bundestag decided a few days ago, a Law on the Reform of Company. The rules contained therein, but why has not entered into force. This press release shall be in accordance with the Ministry in October / November. The law must be back in the second round of the Federal submitted and will be "announced" then. Then it is on the first of next month to take effect.
the moment I have no time to discuss the reform, and for simplicity refer to the information on the side of the federal government (Justice Department):
Priorities of the reform law, there is one (though not too detailed) PDF document that is up to date (06/26/2008, the date of the above referred to federal order).
All newsletters and web images on the reform is important to note that they are obviously rare to date. It can now details have changed.
As the law is not yet finally approved, it will be on the internet is still referred to as "draft", but this design corresponds to the law to the current status of which one must not therefore be confused. The "law" in its latest version can be found here:
The stages of the legislative process On 29 May 2006, the Federal Ministry of Justice
the first draft of a law to Modernize the law and to combat abuses (MoMiG) presented
. He was the federal ministries, the countries and organizations for comment.
On 23 May 2007, the government proposal was adopted by the Federal Cabinet. According to the Legislative Process He was first sent to the Federal
(Bundesrat printed matter 354/07 of 25 May 2007)
. The Federal Council has welcomed the bill and at its meeting of 6th July 2007 position taken (Bundesrat printed
Case No. 354/07 [decision] on 6 July 2007
). To this opinion, the federal government has intervened in July 2007 (Bundestag Printed Matter No 16/6140 of 25 July 2007, p. 176 ff ).
the German parliament the draft law (
official printed matter No. 16/6140 of 25 July 2007
) in the meeting of 20 September 2007 in a first reading and adopted, the draft to the Legal Committee to transfer (in charge) and the Committee on Economic and Technology.
On 26 June 2008, the German parliament passed the law. Another step in the legislative process prior to the delivery and entry into force of the Reform of Company, is the "second round" of the reform in the Bundesrat. The law becomes effective on the first day of the calendar month following the promulgation in force.
The link in the first paragraph leads to the side of the "draft bill", but the the date (May 08) contains, while the passage to an operation in the 2006's. This is because once the Internet draft law set always remains in the current version on the same page.A good example of how careful we press releases need to read is the following current message:
BMF wants to deregulate the control method The Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF) has on 23.06.2008 a draft for a law to modernize and cut red tape the control method (Steuerbürokratieabbaugesetz Act) introduced ....
(with links to other sites, eg the website of the Ministry of Justice)Here is still a very early stage. The decision comes from the Ministry, thus closes the internal preparatory work within the Ministry. With the decision is for sure only that the Ministry intends to introduce this design in this version as a bill in the legislative process. Other "Decisions" from other places will follow, the contents of the draft will be corrected during the procedure. The danger in reading the contents of the draft that wrong memorize details that change later. Anyway: Forewarned is forearmed (lawyers saying).
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Notable Ladies Mount And Blade
you have always been a pitfall for the lawyers: the double-writing clauses. Anyone who has been involved in labor that knows that must pay for the principles of "business practice" (eg voluntary gratuities) to this aspect. But now comes the next surprise: According to a ruling of the BAG are double writing clauses ineffective in a form employment contract pursuant to § 307 BGB in the rule.
a written clause in a form employment contract, under which both changes and additions to the contract and the waiver of the requirement of writing:
According BAG 20.05.2008, 9 AZR 382/07 applies be in writing (twice written form), in accordance with terms of law (here, § 307 paragraph 1 sentence 1 BGB) is ineffective. You give the worker protection against the provisions of § 305b BGB the impression that oral individual contractual agreements are invalid for failure to comply with the writing.
As part of a form employment contract is the clause a "Terms" and the rigorous review by the AGB-law, that the § § 305 ff BGB subject.
The BAG resulted in spirit from:
pre-formulated by the employer bargaining agreement pursuant to clauses. § 307 para 1 sentence 1 BGB ineffective if the employee contrary to the requirement of good faith and unreasonable disadvantage. According to § 305b BGB individual contract agreements prior terms and conditions shall prevail.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Diy False Teeth For Protruding
the Federal Cabinet on 21 May 2008 the draft law to modernize the accounting law (BilMoG) decided.
The press release from the Ministry of any changes will one (denoted as usual as a "government bill" but already approved) under, 1489d6706d635f6964092d0935313835093a0979656172092d0932303038093a096d6f6e7468092d093035093a095f7472636964092d0935313835/Pressestelle/Pressemitteilungen_58.html
The complete Act can be found at http://www
%% 20to% 20Gesetz 20Modernisierung% 20and% 20Bilanzrechts.pdf
However, it is hard to read because it is an article of law and will order only the specific amendments in other laws.
are the main changes for training in commercial law and accountancy:
The bill relieves the company of avoidable cost accounting. Medium-sized retail merchants, who only maintain a small business are exempt from the commercial accounting and auditing. For corporations such as AG and GmbH also exemptions and facilities shall be provided in accounting.
regard to the facilitation of the Audit and disclosure requirements that exist for small and medium-sized corporations, the thresholds were changed:
are classified as small corporations in the future such that no more than approx. € 4.8 million in total assets (previously approx. € 4 million), approx. € 9.8 million. Sales revenue (previously approx. € 8 million), or 50 employees have an annual average. criteria must be met by a capital company, at least two in order classified as small be.
- are classified as medium sized corporations in the future such that no more than approx. Balance sheet total € 19.2 million (previously approx. € 16 million), approx. € 38.5 million in revenue (previously approx. € 32 million), or 250 workers have on average.
fact remains that the HGB balance sheet is the basis of tax accounting and the calculation of dividend makes this especially the SMEs, only a calculator - the so-called unit balance - to establish the basis for all these purposes.
- With these measures, the significance of the commercial financial statements is improved:
- Internally generated intangible assets
- Intangible internally generated fixed assets such as patents or know-how in future to be set in the HGB balance sheet. This is especially important for innovative companies that develop and Research intensive - for example, chemical or pharmaceutical industry or the automotive industry, together with their suppliers. In particular, small and "start-up companies benefit from the provision. They can also their development - their potential - in future shows in the trade balance. This allows the company to expand its capital base and improve their ability to obtain additional capital cost on the market. Tax expenditures remain still deductible, they are also not available for profit distribution. This promotes the competitiveness of Germany as a location for innovative companies.
(2) A start-up company that deals such as the development of software, the cost of developing the software as a production cost of the software within the internally generated intangible fixed assets disclosed and not, as yet, to be expensed.
measurement of financial instruments at fair value
financial instruments such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds and derivatives, unless they are acquired for trading purposes, in future assess all the companies at the balance sheet at fair value (fair value). This simplifies and unifies the financial accounting, is international practice and is now enshrined in the HGB accounting law. Thus the significance of the annual increase in Respect to any realizable gains and losses and the unrealized gains, however, inherently associated with a distribution block. For banks, the scope of fair value accounting appropriate and extended cover all financial instruments held for trading.
Example: A bank
buys 10 shares at a price of 100 € share. The shares were purchased with the objective to achieve capital gains and can be sold each trading day again. At the balance sheet date, the shares have a price of 120 € per share. Since the shares are valued at market value, they are in the balance sheet total of 1,200 € (10 pieces x 120 €) must be applied. It is clear to the bank a profit of 200 €. On the basis of the previously existing historical cost basis, the shares would be valued at the cost of 1,000 € (10 pieces x 100 €). The gain of 200 € has been not to collect revenue, as long as it was not realized by a sale of the shares.
- change in the liability valuation
provisions of business for future benefit obligations are valued in the future more realistic. The way in which Provisions are currently being treated accounting law, is in the public debate called again and again as the point of commercial accounting. Especially with pensions leave now in the financial accounting of the companies see the true burden, because the previous valuations were to matching estimates too low. In assessing the provisions should be recorded in future developments (wages, prices and personnel development) more attention than before. In addition, provisions should be discounted in the future. The evaluation of the reserves is so dynamic. The new regulation will lead at least in the pension provisions to increase. This is essential if one wants to arrive at a realistic fair valuation of provisions. To mitigate these effects, the draft provides for the possibility to accumulate the reserve over a period of several years. The tax provisions in this regard will remain unchanged, so it will not come to tax losses.
example The land of a company is contaminated with chemicals. The authorities on the company to remove the contaminated site as soon as the company's Business establishment ceases. This is expected in five years. At the balance sheet date, the cost of the excavator to be used € 100 / h It is expected that the dredging hour in five years costs 120 €. Under the previous law, for the measurement of the provision is - the date following principle - 100 € / hour likely, however, the future of 120 €, because future developments are considered.
- abolish outdated electoral rights
is also the HGB accounting rules from the "baggage" in recent years, free. Outdated accounting possibilities that the companies were given an informative and comparable financial statements in particular conflict but to be restricted or abolished. This is the case for the possibility not recognized for tax purposes, to make provisions for their future maintenance costs.
a company he owns the renovated administration and operations building at a distance of ten years. The accumulated amount required to carry out the renovation the company - without having had already concluded agreements on the implementation of the renovation was made with third parties - over a period of ten years in a recognized non-tax expense provision. Such non-tax provisions for expenses recognized in the future can not be formed.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Wording For Girt Card Bridal Shower Invitations
This follows not from a change in the law, but from a Court ruling that corrects the current interpretation of German law. OLG Köln to the European Court the following question presented: At what point a payment by bank transfer in a commercial transaction causes to be on time is to be considered? The ECJ Judgement (3.4.2008, C-306/06) has now ruled on the issue.
EC legal requirements
After existing interpretation of § 286 BGB default provisions triggered the delay by the debtor's bank in time for the transfer of the amount due to Instructs the creditor. Timely statement so far prevented the delay. This no longer applies, § 286 BGB is interpreted differently.
No delay if the delay is a result of the conduct of a debtor, who has taken the usually careful to conduct a bank transfer account required deadlines.
The ECJ also pointed out.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Period Discharge Two Weeks After Period
- tax leaflets and brochures of the OFD Lower Saxony, which are also suitable for training:
| ||||||||||
| | ||||||||||
| | | |||||||||
parents, pupils and students | |||||||||||
| | |||||||||
| - (AFA) tables | |||||||||
depreciation tables - broken down by type of assets |
site improvements
facilities general
- machines and processing machines
- fixtures and equipment
- Other assets
- depreciation tables - alphabetical structure
- overview of the specific assets
- depreciation tables - selected industries
- agriculture and animal breeding
viticulture and wine trade
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
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BGH 12.03.2008, VIII ZR 253/05
The entire case is well suited for a case to exercise warranty rights.
Friday, March 21, 2008
How Much Is It To Fence In 25 Acres
The new patterns for cancellation and return rights will enter into force on 01.04.2008 For some distribution types (such as doorstep and distance selling such as selling over the Internet) and contract types (Such as part-time-share agreements) Consumers have a right of withdrawal. This may be partially replaced by a money back guarantee. The cancellation deadline is two weeks. In order to facilitate
companies a proper instruction, the BMJ had prepared in 2002 for the pattern instruction on the withdrawal and return. In the past, courts have occasionally expressed the view that the previously existing model did not meet the requirements of the Civil Code and are therefore invalid. The result was an increase in warnings
on 12.03.2008 was the third ordinance amending the Civil Code Information Ordinance requirements promulgated in the Federal Gazette. The new version of the instructional pattern of withdrawal and return rights for consumers comes from 01.04.2008 in place.
on the websites of the Ministry published the text of the regulation can be found as a PDF file here:
Why Is My Oovoo Invisible
The Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF ) published on 20/02/2008 draft application letter for business tax reform in 2008. These are visible on the Internet.
draft implementation decree for the loss limit (§ 8c CITA)
Draft Decree on Application Interest Deduction (§ 4h Income Tax Act, § 8a CITA)
The application letter published on the website of the Ministry of Finance
draft implementation decree for the loss deduction limit (§ 8c CITA)
application decree Interest Deduction (§ 4h Income Tax Act, § 8a CITA), there
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Affordable Brazilian Wax Mississauga
A thorough Explanation of the new depreciation rules (not just GWG) with backgrounds you can find a an article by Dr. Oliver Voss, MBA, Frankfurt aM
"Corporate Tax Reform 2008: new rules on depreciation for low-value items - Entry into a simple depreciation accounting?"
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Food Items With Word Gold In It
The most important thing to trade tax reform, if it is relevant to teaching and training: trade tax rate:
new: a uniform 3.5% for all legal forms
business tax as an operating control
(actually a change in income tax law)
new: falls away, trade tax is no longer deductible , applies to all types
- basic allowance
- : remains unchanged.
- until now only interest on permanent debt acc. § 8, No. 1; new HR of 50%
- : all types of debt and capital raising, HR, only 25%
- The popular tests in the calculation of current accounts falls away with it, as will no longer be placed on the permanent debt character.
paid dividends for silent partner
(also applies to pensions)
so far: full additions
new HR of 25%
- rental expense and lease
until now only for mobile u . etc. Goods not for land / premises; examine wr GewSt-taxation in the recipient and HR in the amount of 50%;
- plays Gewerversteuerung the recipient no longer
- and real estate rents
- HR recorded now:
rents for movable assets: 5% additions
- rent for immovable property (especially real estate): 16.25% additions
- payments rights assignments (especially licenses and concessions): 6.25% (excluding sales licenses)
WARNING! these percentages are in § 8 GewStG not called, they result from the somewhat own formulation, which states that in the case group No. 1 (§ 8 No. 1): from
- a quarter of the sum ...
- (meaning each of the following Letters a quarter) and the corresponding in No. 1a to 1f, either nothing or once again a whole number, eg
- 1 d)
fifth the leases and rental payments ... (Movables)
- thirteen twentieths position
- the leases and rental payments ... (Immovable property) 1 f)
- quarter of the cost of ... (Concessions, licenses etc.)
- The combination of the fractions is the above mentioned percentages.
The percentages shown are confusing in Wikipedia, and the percentages there are still neighborhoods.
allowance in the first part of the additions (§ 8 a No 1 to No. 1f)
new: in the first part of the additions (No. 1 a to 1 f) an allowance of 100,000 €.
This allowance is somewhat hidden at the end of the list
... where the sum exceeds the amount of 100,000 €;
No change in the cuts.
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source of information for new business tax 2008:
- less thoroughly
latest version of the law (here in complete form in a single HTML file)
Friday, February 8, 2008
Supercharged 427 Silverado Ss
One of the tax changes for 2008 relates to the voluntary surrender of income tax declaration in the hope of income tax refund.
submit (§ 46 para 2 No . 8 of the Income Tax Act). Only then could they get something back from the already paid income tax.
This period has been dropped without replacement.
The confusion starts now. For the "new" period is represented differently.
According to a press release by the Federal Ministry of Finance and other popular releases on the Internet now have everyone who is not obliged to submit the tax return, up to seven years
time for a tax return. The new deadlines are (from the 2005 tax year, it said (example:. Http://
. The divergence as such certainly seems to be not quite recognize in Internet messages. It was only in personal Discussions with colleagues from the control region is seen the problem.
enough right now for individuals to know that in 2005 the possibility of voluntary tax declaration - in hopes of tax refund - is still possible, otherwise apply if four or seven years has only played a role in the future. For training and practice but there is immediate need for clarification.
Where does this difference in reporting, and from which is derived from the new deadline at all?
Well, the answer in advance: the period results from § § 169.170 AO and the divergence of the differing views on whether to use the contact inhibition of § 170, paragraph 2 is.
The two-year period was abolished following has emerged due to a constitutional challenge that this group of workers who must file an income tax declaration, but they can only give voluntarily, in contrast disadvantage to other taxpayers.
The two-year period of § 46 para 2 No 8 Income Tax Act is repealed without replacement. There are no spare time limit of seven years, such a period of one seeks in vain in the Income Tax Act. It is now the same as eg self-employed.
Here comes the fixing time limit for approval, which is responsible for all taxes and all taxpayers apply.
If the self- no income tax declaration has to follow the tax office seven years in which the matter and if necessary to issue a decision estimate. This period results from the imposition statute of limitations, § 169 AO. After that will be possible after a certain period, called the assessment deadline, no more notice in this case, neither a first-time, another amendment notice.
In order for the taxpayer and give no more explanation in the hope of getting a decision with tax refunds, because the FA must be under no more decision adopted.
is the fixing period, apart from excise taxes and special cases
four years (§ 169 AO)
. It is based on the Origin of taxes. The creation date for each tax is regulated by law, the income tax is the annual discharge (2000 income tax arises at the end of the year 2000, ie on 31.12.2000, 24:00 Clock).
In cases where the taxpayer previously had to file a tax return or should have, eg in the income tax starts, the delay is only furniture and interior of the tax return, to run no later than 3 years after creation, (so-called contact inhibition, § 170 II AO). If the self-employed from a tax return at all, come together seven years (three years starting suspension and four-year period). The Tax Office has
seven years
, to take care of the tax prosecution.
The taxpayer may, if he subsequently files the declaration in that period, nor receive any tax refund, so it has its part for seven years, the theoretical possibility of realizing any reimbursement rights (this was the unequal footing with the above workers)
This deadline calculation from § § 169.170 in the tax known training and belong to typical exam questions. The period of seven years is not a tax return deadline (this is for the income tax declaration requirement only 5 months), but results from the rules determining statute of limitations.
Indirectly therefore the assessment deadline is a deadline for the workers, because after that period must not exceed the IRS on a tax return respond with a decision.
In some of the messages you can also find this reasoning and the above calculation of "three + four years.
Other terms of opinions, however, assume that the contact inhibition of § 170 AO II, in exception to the general rule is in addition to up to three years, applies here. The wording of § 170 II calls for a tax return must! Literally
Notwithstanding paragraph 1, the fixed period, if
a tax return
or in a tax
or a display to report
, at the end of the calendar year in which the tax declaration, tax declaration or the ad is submitted, but not beyond the third calendar year of the the calendar year following that in which the tax was created ...
Since there is no tax return for voluntary taxpayer is not, strictly on the wording of paragraph 2 is applicable, would remain, paragraph 1:
- four years from the occurrence.
- That would be the income tax with respect to 2005 the end of 2009 and of 2012. If you follow this logic, is questionable whether the legislature that has so presented. Perhaps he has missed the point, after all, it is known that he wanted to achieve with the abolition of the two-year period an income tax parity with other agents. Then there must be, as one colleague put it right, apply the § 170, paragraph 2 analog, to the legislature nachbessert the scheme.
was in the official justification for Untenehmensteuergesetz I find no evidence on the subject. That the Ministry on its website itself laconically proceeds of seven years, although not mandatory, but it is an indication that is desired in the end a seven-year sunset clause.
It is beyond the scope of this Article, demonstrate a solution. Rather, I want to point out where the ominous seven-year period is, and that haunt and why different messages here.
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As part of the corporate tax reform in Germany in 2008 to introduce a flat tax in 2009 was decided by law. The tax is levied on income from capital (interest, dividends, § 20 of the Income Tax Act) and private capital gains. As always there is the problem for good information. The Google search is very tedious and takes many more or less superficial summary information from tax advisers or chambers leads. The rate is a uniform 25% in future, whether it is interest or dividends, and does not act as an advance, but does the taxation of that income in full.
If less than 25% income tax marginal tax rate can begin the deduction of 25% in the annual tax return and is then charged with the personal tax rate.
The change is accompanied by the elimination of speculation
taxation for private gains (case group Other income, often called "speculation tax". These cases now subject to withholding tax, which can cause lack of periods, other effects.
he is off as far made in the capital gains tax by the distributing bank, etc., and the money is paid to the tax office.
will be replaced.
Useful Links initial information: / Teileink% C3% BCnfteverfahren (part of the new income system) C3% BCnfteverfahren (the previous half-income method)
exporting a very technical article
Business Tax Reform Act of 2008: final tax
Friedrich Brusch, Hessian Ministry of Finance, Wiesbaden
The tax consequences for the various investment options
by the so-called flat tax as of 2009 some significant deviations from current law.
The Federal Ministry of Finance has put together an essay the effects, separately for the forms of investment, in a well done overview. The article is
taxation at the various options, including assets, primarily investment under the Income Tax Law from 2009 to 2008 and taking account of the flat tax (flat tax tips) Einkommensteuer/007.html
Here are links to each chapter.
concept of the flat tax
shares / limited companies
REIT shares
investment units
- shares similar participation rights
- bond Similar Beneficiary
- typical silent partners
- Participating loans
- profit bonds / convertible
- financial innovation
- fixed-rate bonds
- Certificates (without warranty certificates)
- futures
- savings plans (without Riester contracts)
- endowment policies
- private pension
- Riester contracts
- basic services (Rürup)
- Leased Properties
- Owner-occupied homes
- Commercial closed-end funds
- Closed property funds
- Closed-end funds with investments
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For teachers who are generally not tax professionals (exceptions are tax consultants who teach part time in adult education), is additionally the problem of how the issue could be presented quickly and clearly.
The corporate tax reform in 2008
accordance with common practice in practice I use in this paper, the abbreviation for GWG in the Income Tax Act defined "low-value goods."
The rules were changed significantly by the corporate tax reform in 2008. The changes took effect on 1 January 2008.
§ 6 (of the Income Tax Act, the author's note) is amended as
bb) Under b be the set of a abschließnde point replaced by a comma and then the word 'or' and the attached letter C:
"c) an asset within the meaning of § 20 para 2"
Therefore, as usual, literature necessary to the scheme in the overall context prepared and explained. With the text of the reform law you can not work alone.
Temporal application. On the year the company, it is therefore also not here.
now is the result of the corrections, so the new full text of the Income Tax Act, prepared and published. You'll find the new version of the Income Tax Act (or applicable for 2008 version) eg on the Internet at
A commodity is a self-use is not valid unless it can be used for its intended purpose of operating only with other assets in fixed assets and in the context of use inserted assets are technically matched to each other.This also applies if the asset can be separated from the operational use of context and inserted into a different commercial use context.
For depreciable movable fixed assets, the separate use are capable, in the year of acquisition, production, or deposit of the asset or the opening operation, a single item form, if the acquisition or production cost less a excluding VAT amount (§ 9b paragraph 1), or in accordance with paragraph 1 No. 5-6 in lieu thereof for value the single asset 150 euros, but not exceed 1,000 euros.
The single item is in the marketing year of education and the next four financial years to resolve reduce profit with one-fifth.
separating from an asset within the meaning of sentence 1 of the operating capital of the compound item is not diminished.
The changes at a glance to the term "GWG" nothing has changed (see Official Journal, in print from 1914). It's about "depreciable movable assets of fixed assets, an independent use are capable of "
There is no right to vote anymore if you GWG depreciates normally or in the year of acquisition fully depreciates (not see it often) . GWG (and up to 150 €) must always be fully written off.
The obligation for the separate collection of GWGs falls away
The change relates only to the depreciation in the
- three separate types of income of the Income Tax Act
- , that income from agriculture and forestry, from business or from self-employment. Whether accounting is mandatory and you are charged by surplus account, no matter
- The amendment does not refer to
- depreciation in the other four types of income.
- are meant above all the advertising costs for employees ("income from employment") and for income from rental income. It remains here at the 410-euro scheme (GWG in cost to 410 €). The camera equipment of the newspaper editor is distributed so employed under the old rules to the years of useful life, unless they cost only € to 410, then it may be the year of acquisition of acquisition. It remains at the old CCA-border and in the choice between full normal depreciation or amortization.
Past legal Until now
Movable depreciable fixed assets worth up to 410 € described it as a CCA. They had a special tax.
They could be written off in the year of acquisition. This has always been an option, the taxpayer could also choose the normal depreciation and distribute the costs according to the depreciation tables for year Eder life.
0-410 €: CCA; abschgeschrieben was full.
from 410.01 €: normal Depreciation
in accounting or in practice:
00-60 €: Buy depreciable GWG, you did not have to book to the account "GWG"
60.01 € to 410 €: GWG, the one on the account "CCA" or booked by several GWGs.
from 410.01 €: normal depreciation, no CCA
- This rule still applies for the non-independent sources of income
- Tips for teachers and authors
- Do not make the mistake I see in many publications. There are often given the limits, without clarifying where the next field begins. Get used to formulate the boundaries clearer.
- example
not exceed
or, if you want to call the area above: goods worth
not correct, as illogical:
410 Euro: treating such and such
- from 410 Euro: next level
details of the new rules
first Limits
"The CCA threshold has been lowered from 410 € to 150 €" and in the course of the text it says "GWG in the value of 410 to 1,000 euros ..."
The confusion of tongues can also be found in numerous Chamber of Commerce publications and even in Wikipedia. There is clearly defined at the outset that GWGs are goods in the net purchase price to 150 € (as of mid-January 2008). In a later section states: "Low-value goods that are purchased after December 31, 2007, or produced, the amount of their purchase or production cost 150 €, but not 1,000 € are ..."One can not speak of a lowering of the threshold to 150 euros, while CCA from 150-1000 €, as this confuses the reader or learner. . This is not a problem, if one is about to become clear. The practice will have to remember, however, that the term newly defined or more clearly expressed in other ways.
The law requires nothing here. So you could in the future of two species of CCA or CCA-stage . Speak
- second Record keeping
deleted the record keeping requirement for GWGs (repeal of § 6 paragraph 2, sentence 4 and 5 of the Income Tax Act). The annoying 60.00 € limit lapses, as does the corresponding portion of the income tax regulations. All GWG up to 150 Euro can be charged uniformly, whether on an interim account GWG, or through direct write-off. - Because of the lowering of the threshold to € 150 will completely eliminate these special record keeping requirements. This applies both to balancing the end and for taxpayers to determine the taxable profit in accordance with § 4 para 3 ITA. In the complex EÜR so that such expenses should no longer be in the assets to be listed.
third The right to vote
GWGs must be fully written off in the future. There is no more right to vote (§ 6 paragraph 2 ITA revised)
The previous option no longer exists. For the CCA to 150 EUR is the immediate depreciation will now be mandatory ("shall" instead of "may" in § 6 paragraph 2 sentence 1 ITA).
Whether they are still on between books a special CCA account would be technically possible, most plans provide accounts but one account anyway "depreciation on GWG", which you will use immediately.
4th Collectible items for CCA of more than 150 € to 1000 € (§ 2a Income Tax Act as amended)
The new pool procedure: Movable depreciable assets, fixed assets with a cost of 150.01 € and up to 1000 have called into an economic year-related collection items (the practice " Pool ") can be set. This collectible item is over 5 years to write.
The pool depreciation
GWGs the second stage (from 150.01 to 1000) as said in a Pool summarized. In the release, one reads of the "Pool Solution" or the "group assessment".
Each pool is treated as a single asset is treated and ready to write about a period of 5 years straight, regardless of sales, withdrawals or early impairment.
depreciation rate
The single item has the advantage that even in their first year must be no pro rata calculation of depreciation. Regardless of the acquisition date is given for the items contained in the collective assets thus also the first year is always a depreciation of one fifth of the cost or production cost.
Statutory acceptance:
Some time was questionable whether the pool of depreciation from the statutory requirements, assets shown in full (§ 246 para 1 HGB), corresponds.
The Institute of Certified Public Accountants (IDW) has now given the green light commercial approach: The tax pool value is also recognized under commercial law, if it is of minor importance.
computer and depreciation
a very unpopular issue bim purchase of computer equipment was that practice and case law expecting that no peripheral devices such as a printer, scanner, keyboard or use his own, can thus be a priori no CCA (Exceptions: All-in-one or fax machine). The printer had to be written off Ormal, even if it cost only 200 €. This law is now more of an advantage ("blessing in disguise"), because most purchases are in the range of the aggregate assessment. For classification as a CCA they are written off in future mandatory for 5 years. Since it is not there supposed to belong, they can be in accordance with the depreciation tables will continue to write off over three years.
source of information for new business tax 2008:
Business Tax Reform 2008: new rules on depreciation
f r Economic low-ter - a simple introduction to