When Editing a script about training being to me is the task of information on collective training allowances to check and update. So hastily in search of information. Only after some research I discovered the optimum point, on the pages of the Federal Institute for Vocational Training (www.bibb.de). This maintains a constantly updated database of
training allowances
For more than 30 Years, observed and analyzed the Federal Institute for Vocational Education, the development of agreed training allowances. For this purpose, a "database training allowances," which is allowing the average pay for most quantitatively important trades every year to find up to date. Included in the database are currently 185 trades in the old and 151 occupations in the new countries.
is the relevant base: http://www.bibb.de/de/783.htm
Here are direct links to the tables for 2007:
Overview 2007, by the professions
average monthly training allowances in 2007 in the individual training years and the average over the entire training period.
- as a pdf file value unpaid taxes depends on experience and offer the taxpayer the opportunity to post the goods withdrawals to monthly flat rate. They release him so that the recording of a large number of extractions. Here is a download option:
benchmark collection for the calendar year 2007 (PDF - 18 pages - 687 KB)
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