Which newsletter for tax and legal? Because at a school where I teach, misconceptions are circulating again, based on half-digested or rumored bad news messages:
In fact, the Bundestag decided a few days ago, a Law on the Reform of Company. The rules contained therein, but why has not entered into force. This press release shall be in accordance with the Ministry in October / November. The law must be back in the second round of the Federal submitted and will be "announced" then. Then it is on the first of next month to take effect.
the moment I have no time to discuss the reform, and for simplicity refer to the information on the side of the federal government (Justice Department): http://www.bmj.bund.de/momig
Priorities of the reform law, there is one (though not too detailed) PDF document that is up to date (06/26/2008, the date of the above referred to federal order).
All newsletters and web images on the reform is important to note that they are obviously rare to date. It can now details have changed.
As the law is not yet finally approved, it will be on the internet is still referred to as "draft", but this design corresponds to the law to the current status of which one must not therefore be confused. The "law" in its latest version can be found here:
http://www.bmj.bund.de/files/4818894aa17fa02357bc1ef23bfa4d93/1236/RefE% 20MoMiG.pdf
The stages of the legislative process
On 29 May 2006, the Federal Ministry of Justice
the first draft of a law to Modernize the law and to combat abuses (MoMiG) presented
. He was the federal ministries, the countries and organizations for comment.
On 23 May 2007, the government proposal was adopted by the Federal Cabinet. According to the Legislative Process He was first sent to the Federal
(Bundesrat printed matter 354/07 of 25 May 2007)
The Federal Council has welcomed the bill and at its meeting of 6th July 2007 position taken (Bundesrat printed
Case No. 354/07 [decision] on 6 July 2007
). To this opinion, the federal government has intervened in July 2007 (Bundestag Printed Matter
No 16/6140 of 25 July 2007, p. 176 ff ).
the German parliament the draft law (
official printed matter No. 16/6140 of 25 July 2007
) in the meeting of 20 September 2007 in a first reading and adopted, the draft to the Legal Committee to transfer (in charge) and the Committee on Economic and Technology.
The Legal Committee of the German Bundestag on 23 January 2008, a public hearing on the Reform of Company Law Experts carried out.
On 26 June 2008, the German parliament passed the law. Another step in the legislative process prior to the delivery and entry into force of the Reform of Company, is the "second round" of the reform in the Bundesrat. The law becomes effective on the first day of the calendar month following the promulgation in force.
The link in the first paragraph leads to the side of the "draft bill", but the the date (May 08) contains, while the passage to an operation in the 2006's. This is because once the Internet draft law set always remains in the current version on the same page.
A good example of how careful we press releases need to read is the following current message:
BMF wants to deregulate the control method The Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF) has on 23.06.2008 a draft for a law to modernize and cut red tape the control method (Steuerbürokratieabbaugesetz Act) introduced ....
of: http://www.otto-schmidt.de/steuerrecht/news_8241.html
(with links to other sites, eg the website of the Ministry of Justice)
Here is still a very early stage. The decision comes from the Ministry, thus closes the internal preparatory work within the Ministry. With the decision is for sure only that the Ministry intends to introduce this design in this version as a bill in the legislative process. Other "Decisions" from other places will follow, the contents of the draft will be corrected during the procedure. The danger in reading the contents of the draft that wrong memorize details that change later. Anyway: Forewarned is forearmed (lawyers saying).