We wältzen in sackcloth and ashes! Almost a month without giving of ourselves and the exciting and colorful South India sound, while so much has happened in the time.
We are trying times to start over and nothing to forget.
Am 27.09. was surprisingly quite spontaneously clear that the Vikasana-girl, Ezra and Annika, for one night and to celebrate my (Milena) 21 Birthday with lice and packaging would advance here. That's right people with lice, but sooner or later we will get it anyway so why the visit to drop into the water because of such trivialities! The anticipation was so huge I tell you we can.
Monday prior to their arrival we had our super-mentor to be related to us and a dictated, miles of shopping list, the two Vikasana-range eggs, pure drive to Hassan and to purchase basic items such as cleaning products, fruits, sweets and especially the rare gift of toilet paper in huge quantities. The man, the inconspicuous, tiny street shops where we ordered 10 rolls of white treasure seemed, the business of his life to have made, because he gave us specialty of India, which up until now on a large sheet but like so much avoid this totally good should be to the health or make mood and condition tolerable cheerful, a Betelnussblatt and do a good portion of the reddish Betelpulver. Perfectly-timed was then also the awaited call, the two have arrived at the bus station and we need to collect only.
The reunion was a celebration!
the evening did manicure and pedicure, a vast orgy of eating and the 6th Season of "Sex and the City" girls our evening perfect. Until 3:30, we are merely celebrated the birthday and enjoyed being together with our other two India-adventurers.

The next day, before too premature departure of the girls, we rumbled over Poulouse director and Co. With a small but very fine Ueberraschungsparty in the hostel, including the blessing and strengthening spend for all.
was then the Vikasana-Spunk already over. (And also their head residents were not with us).
end of the week wobbled by degrees, by us for weeks awaited children from vacation in the surrounding villages, again in the hostel. (To the schonmal at this point to the point: These kids are the cutest in the world but, for us, but rather complicated name - but we get busy!)
The following week it was a beautiful morning: "And tonight when the children are back from the schools (at 17.00!) taught her just one or two hour "
Since the legs but were quickly taken in hand and almost panic, we searched for a suitable Teaching concept. It quickly became clear that we are the first time the basics, such as counting and alphabet wanted to scan. A picture alphabet was quickly crafted and we were full of energy. Since the Kiddis the already very well known and almost sang in the choir, then we could with our first group game "Gordian knot" and the song "If you're happy and you know it ..." score. A successful evening as we were.
the afternoon after we had a group of about 20 children between 12 and 15 years, that we painted with watercolors and wrote fact sheets. (A little surprising was that the children who needed help with writing less consistently painted the faces of the Exampeln that we had made of us, very similar?)
was then the Vikasana-Spunk already over. (And also their head residents were not with us).
end of the week wobbled by degrees, by us for weeks awaited children from vacation in the surrounding villages, again in the hostel. (To the schonmal at this point to the point: These kids are the cutest in the world but, for us, but rather complicated name - but we get busy!)
The following week it was a beautiful morning: "And tonight when the children are back from the schools (at 17.00!) taught her just one or two hour "
Since the legs but were quickly taken in hand and almost panic, we searched for a suitable Teaching concept. It quickly became clear that we are the first time the basics, such as counting and alphabet wanted to scan. A picture alphabet was quickly crafted and we were full of energy. Since the Kiddis the already very well known and almost sang in the choir, then we could with our first group game "Gordian knot" and the song "If you're happy and you know it ..." score. A successful evening as we were.
the afternoon after we had a group of about 20 children between 12 and 15 years, that we painted with watercolors and wrote fact sheets. (A little surprising was that the children who needed help with writing less consistently painted the faces of the Exampeln that we had made of us, very similar?)

Otherwise we started to read with the children to help them in English for the Hausaugaben and paint with water color is still very highly. We are here in our home already hingehaengt a wall collage of the most beautiful Picasso.
On Sunday, 11.10. we made with the director of family and our mentor Super Sunny a trip to the famous Hoysala temples in Belur and Halebid. The day was also the premiere in a sari for me. In Belur we had a very amusing guide to the hairy India was 800 years ago in all things have been further than USA Today and the Americans would have copied everything anyway, but otherwise he had an enormous knowledge Belur and temples. We enjoyed it very much, even the rather peculiar pick-nick in the side of a ditch right-traffic country road, the expedition not detracted in the slightest. Deepavali or Diwali
, in German we would say festival of lights, is the next commit large high-light of our exciting October. To get into the biggest festival of the Hindus at close quarters, our "mentor of the mentor" Malathi had proposed the project directors to send us for 2 days in a family be celebrate the traditions great. For the two of us we went on Monday the 18th in the crack of
early with too much luggage, our super-Sunny and a little confidence-inspiring, ancient bus 2 ½ hours by potholes and dirt roads the way, nothing for Bandscheibenvorfaelle, Indian into Wallachia.

evening it was then a little busy, but we also now have the feeling afterwards that it consistently gave a very smooth and harmonious atmosphere, much like Christmas, has been. For dinner, were invited except us, only the whole relationship (about 30 men) and there were lots of different food varieties. We tried diligently us through everything you put us on the banana leaf and were bursting behind to fill. Climax for men and children was the firing of firecrackers. We affectionately refer to bombs or Luftanriff and are sure that we would be tarred and feathered in Germany, where they would burn down. Late in the evening we went
with an auto-rickshaw to our lodging. We have really enjoyed the first time not to fall asleep with the feet of the other in the face but to be able to chat for a while yet nebeneinandner.
with clock at eight in the morning we went to the Bike to breakfast at the home of Tejomurthy, another Field Organizer of the organization. Iddli, coconut chutney and milk tea provided a solid base for the day. To the bus station, we drove back to the bike and from there again mitdem bus. Diwali is like Christmas in summer. We have enjoyed the time and are crazy to Indian culture took another big step closer.

In Office, we held two met again a presentation about all that had happened since we had adopted in KKID traenenreich. Praised to the skies and happy we were riding in Scheinsgallopp Hostel, from site of the new hostels and our apartment, only to go to dinner in one of the nearby hotels. After the sumptuous meal we had a lot of time with our Indian substitute mother, who invited us into her hotel room and we have a very good "Girls Talk" had. Relaxed and fresh-squeezed Enhanced fruit juices we went again, still completely satisfied, for dinner. It was a really great day with good conversation, lots of encouragement, wit and humor and even more very good food.
are now extremely relieved to have us meet again at last rid of our debt and have sworn to it next time not to let accumulate again as long.
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