The conclusion of the information service "fund-telegram" to the Avima fund the so-called icon group, Oberhaching, the initiators Pitter-Kilfitt and Wittke is devastating. The analyst notes Loipfinger clear:
" should actually be for these funds, the prosecutor interested."immovable frame "refers to the exorbitant costs charged to the investor and the lack of plausibility:
" alone the huge cost factor of over 24 percent, most of which are cashed by the persons mentioned above, the product can not make recommended. Also, the fact that investors have their money einbezahlen only eight years to earn that income may be reluctant to any reasonable Investment strategy. . The business entanglements of the Fund, particularly with the trustee to appear the Fund as an extremely dubious "Under" Personal Data "is commented on the lack of seriousness:
" It should be noted that the executive directors of the general partner and trustee limited Klaus Pitter-and-Jürgen Kilfitt Anouschka Wittke with previous products were not very successful. Because the collection of investor funds for the two predecessor funds have been convicted of illegal banking transactions and six to eight months in prison. (...) Do not trust the fact is worth that as a trustee of the Fund is not a tax consulting or accounting firm, but a fiduciary and financial consulting company was used, which is dominated by the above persons. "
Source: Fund telegram dated 25 May 2006
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