In Lagos turns to much .... MONEY. For what else to live causes millions of people in such an urban center that offers itself for Nigerians rather low quality of life in terms of cleanliness and air purity? Wealth is the dream of many that go on here. Once you are rich, not only in comfort, or products that improve quality of life invested, but often in prestige projects or technology. Thus we see even on the streets Surulere (ie on the mainland) is often thick jeeps (one would hardly believe how often you encounter here a silver Nissan Pathfinder) with tinted windows, to lobster, which are often painted also striking in yellow .
In any event, many people are more important to have expensive watches, latest mobile phones and chicken cars, than make the effort to improve power and water supply or a complete renovation in the run-down houses.
I, as a die-heart-of-gold employees also get almost daily with how wealth something social, but almost as prestigious in donations social institutions, such as our hospice is invested. The donation itself is then either recorded with a camera crew - also with the white people in the picture - or by a separate camera, the photos you can with the donations, including donors later admirers on his Facebook profile.
(over Facebook in Nigeria could I write, moreover, a separate entry ...)
Unfortunately in Nigeria is generally considered too often as much wealth guarantee happiness. Here you can see even here that the wealth often makes sourness, arrogant and wasteful. I will - as so often - said: ". We are suffering here in Nigeria - We do not have money" (We suffer here in Nigeria - We have no money), I can only say that it still is in Germany rich people rather "suffer", but can you believe it hardly, if not even the other - face to side - richer get added.
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