after four months
Lagos after four months is exhausting, dirty, polluted and stressful ...
is slowly disappeared, the initial motivation, we have settled in and everything is moving all one can do on my nerves. I've done it now exploring the more rural Ogun State and every time I return to the more intense the perceived poor air, noise, filth on the street and the crushing crowds. We said it again and again: "Back to Hell".
This change in perception is probably a typical low after the initial motivation, which was still fed by other experiences. Be quite realistic I say now (come out of my depth) that neither the Lagos is initially seen through rose-colored glasses Mega City, nor the unfriendly, reaming, smelly and dirty Moloch, as I have learned to know in the fourth month. Compared to other cities, it certainly is a juggernaut, but none, as it must have been almost a decade ago. It has many faces, dirty, clean, friendly, annoying and unfriendly, stressful, healing, dangerous and safe. Lagos is just a curiosity - just as unique and interesting. One can make a picture like this without having been there, you can not imagine the image that results when one of the Eco-Bridge The modern Lagos with its skyscrapers and banking centers in the field of view, but once you get to the page turns, you see the smoking, brown slums of Ijora, which until a deal in the lagoon: Iceland goes to Lagos.
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